Compliance Program Development

ITC Strategies can assist with the development of compliance programs for all levels of a business. Compliance programs can be created for a Corporate overview function or at a more detailed level for a business unit or facility. We can assist in the creation of compliance manuals and tools for use by all levels of business operations, from general to highly detailed.
Corporate Level - General Company policies and over arching compliance procedures intended to set standards for the business at an executive level.
Business Unit Level - More elaborate procedures intended to promote general direction to an organization for implementation of more detailed compliance requirements. Focus is on the a variety of functional areas including, Human Resources hiring procedures and controls, Security access, Engineering technology collaboration, Business Development and Strategic Sourcing.
Facility Level - Specific procedures which are explicitly tailored to the unique requirements of a particular facility. Focus is on local IT access controls, technology control plans (TCPs), foreign person technology access and control, shipping procedures and documentation.
However your business is structured, ITC Strategies can quickly and effectively assist with the development and the implementation of a compliance program that meets the needs of the business by customizing the policies and procedures based on the types of exports and imports you make.
Record Keeping
The cornerstone of a successful compliance program is the record keeping process.
Not only are records required to be kept by law in the various export and import regulations, but Records are your proof of compliance. In an audit, they are your evidence that you are doing it right. Good record keeping practices provide an auditable trail and serve as the backbone of the compliance system. What records are required to be kept? How best to maintain them? ITC Strategies can help your company answer these questions.
ITC Strategies can assist the company in designing their record keeping strategy, including the development of policies and procedures that address what records are required to be kept as well as the duration required to retain these records.
Corporate Level - General Company policies and over arching compliance procedures intended to set standards for the business at an executive level.
Business Unit Level - More elaborate procedures intended to promote general direction to an organization for implementation of more detailed compliance requirements. Focus is on the a variety of functional areas including, Human Resources hiring procedures and controls, Security access, Engineering technology collaboration, Business Development and Strategic Sourcing.
Facility Level - Specific procedures which are explicitly tailored to the unique requirements of a particular facility. Focus is on local IT access controls, technology control plans (TCPs), foreign person technology access and control, shipping procedures and documentation.
However your business is structured, ITC Strategies can quickly and effectively assist with the development and the implementation of a compliance program that meets the needs of the business by customizing the policies and procedures based on the types of exports and imports you make.
Record Keeping
The cornerstone of a successful compliance program is the record keeping process.
Not only are records required to be kept by law in the various export and import regulations, but Records are your proof of compliance. In an audit, they are your evidence that you are doing it right. Good record keeping practices provide an auditable trail and serve as the backbone of the compliance system. What records are required to be kept? How best to maintain them? ITC Strategies can help your company answer these questions.
ITC Strategies can assist the company in designing their record keeping strategy, including the development of policies and procedures that address what records are required to be kept as well as the duration required to retain these records.